
Minnesbilder - något att återvända till i vinter

Jacob, Boe och Calle.

Vi ville skapa oss några minnesbilder inför vintern. Något att grunna på.

Träning på:
- att introducera en ny person ombord snabbt
- stagvändningar
- gippar

6 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Gipparna pa videon ser bra ut....nästan lika bra som pa SWE-1404....

Unknown sa...

thankyou for posting the vidio very helpful . i own express number 732 and race it in northern ireland do you have any other vids or tips to make it go faster


Martin sa...

unfortunately not. This was an experiment with an ordinary digital camera. It would be nice to rig a video camera on the boat and we have been thinking of it. We will see next spring :-)

Unknown sa...

Thanks Martin will check back in the spring . Do you know of any other express links or sites i should be checking out.


Martin sa...

sorry for the delay. It is off season and the blog is not actively used at the moment, but I will be back in theh spring and I perhaps occassionaly blog some thoughts during winter.

I think the same goes for:

Unknown sa...

Thanks again Martin links very helpful good photos for the deck layout. Found some trim guides but having trouble translating them .If you have time over the winter could you give me some rough sail settings for different wind strenghts mast bend ,luff tensions,outhauls, heel angle etc. or anything you think is important ? Thanking you again

email Mccallumad@aol.com